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I am a professionally trained doula in Regina, Saskatchewan. I am a wife, sister and mother to three beautiful children. I believe birth can be and should be an empowering experience for all women. My passion is to make sure every woman I work with is left with their own powerful story. My mission is to ensure she thinks back on her positive birth with a smile, instead of trauma or disappointment. 

My name is Amy and I look forward to meeting with you.

My Philosophy

I believe that our bodies were created to grow, birth, and feed our babies...and we should trust that. 

I believe that a woman in labor is both powerful and vulnerable, a combination that is breathtaking.

I believe that women are strong and are a force not to be reckoned with, especially in labor.

I believe a woman should labor and deliver where she is most comfortable, and I support that choice whether it is at home, in a birthing center, or in a hospital. 

I believe that pregnancy and birth are normal, natural processes of life.

I believe that your due date is an estimated date, not an expiration date.

I believe that your partner should be active in your labor and birth on their comfort level.

I believe that when a woman is in labor she should move around as much as she needs.

I believe that few things in this life are more beautiful than a pregnant women and her innate ability to birth her baby.

I believe that the mind.body connection during labor is astonishing.

I believe that sometimes birth happens quickly and sometimes it happens slowly, but that it always works.

I believe that a woman should work with labor and not against it.

I believe that if it's not broken, don't fix it.

I believe that pregnancy is not an illness and should not be treated that way.

I believe that a women should be informed about her options and be encouraged to carry out our her choices.

I believe that you should be satisfied and delighted with your birth experience.

I believe that prenatal preparations, labor and delivery, and the postpartum period are all three equally important.

 I believe that a woman in labor should have ample support so that no one and no procedure or habit will get in her way.
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